Programa Científico

Homeostasis de tejidos y órganos


Genómica funcional

Miguel Manzanares

We aim to understand how different aspects of genome function -namely DNA replication, chromatin 3D structure and gene transcription- are coordinated, and how they are established during the first stages of mouse development, starting from a naïve genome and leading to the first lineage decisions that occur in the embryo.


The central research aim in our group is to understand how genome activity is regulated during early stages of mammalian development and how regulatory and genome structure variations can contributes to human disease. For this, we search for and identify distal acting cis-regulatory sequences, and study how they act on their target genes and how these are organized in the 3D structure of the chromatin and in gene regulatory networks underlying a specific biological state. Methodologically, we use a combination of bioinformatics and data analysis tools, structural genomics, genome-wide analysis, gene-editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, and functional tests using transgenic animal models and stem cells.

Estamos aplicando este enfoque al estudio de cuatro preguntas básicas:

¿Cómo se toman las decisiones de linaje, a partir del óvulo fertilizado, que dan como resultado la especificación de los tipos celulares iniciales del embrión?
¿Cuáles son los mecanismos reguladores que impulsan la transición de la pluripotencia a la determinación de linaje a lo largo del desarrollo?
¿Cuál es el papel de la estructura del genoma en la definición del estado celular y cómo se relaciona con la regulación de la expresión génica?
¿Cuál es la contribución de la variación regulatoria a las enfermedades humanas comunes?

Miembros del grupo

Miguel Manzanares Fourcade

Lab.: 407 Ext.: 4475

Aurora Arroyo Jiménez

Lab.: 407 Ext.: 4474

Andrea Maidana López

Lab.: 407 Ext.: 4474

Camila Quezada Gutiérrez

Lab.: 407 Ext.: 4474

Laura Manso Pérez

Lab.: 407 Ext.: 4474

Publicaciones representativas

Establishment of 3D chromatin structure after fertilization and the metabolic switch at the morula-to-blastocyst transition require CTCF

Andreu MJ et al.

Chromatin dynamics through mouse preimplantation development revealed by single molecule localisation microscopy

Portela M et al.

Pluripotency factors regulate the onset of Hox cluster activation in the early embryo

Tiana M et al.

Transitions in cell potency during early mouse development are driven by Notch

Menchero S et al.

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