Programa Científico
Homeostasis de tejidos y órganos
Arquitectura celular y organogénesis Comunicación intercelular e inflamación
Análisis de la señalización celular durante el desarrollo de epitelios en Drosophila melanogaster
José Félix de Celis
La señalización celular y la regulación de la expresión génica son aspectos fundamentales en la biología de los organismos multicelulares, y desempeñan un papel central en la regulación del desarrollo embrionario y de la homeostasis adulta. En nuestro laboratorio utilizamos Drosophila melanogaster como organismo experimental para identificar la participación de rutas de respuesta a estrés celular a la exposición a tóxicos y contaminantes.
The Drosophila wing originates from an epithelial tissue that grow by proliferation during larval development and differentiate in the pupal stage into a wing and part of the thorax of the fly. Cell proliferation and differentiation are common processes in multicellular tissues, and they are directed by evolutionary conserved batteries of genes. The genetic and developmental analysis of the disc allow us to address experimentally different aspects of epithelial biology.
We are carrying out three research projects. The first project involves the analysis of the requirements of Drosophila genes in the wing. We grouped the 14.000 Drosophila genes into 16 functional groups (Fig. 1A) and screened UAS-RNAi lines targeting 10918 of these genes. We classified the resulting phenotypes into morphological classes affecting the size, pattern or differentiation of the wing (Fig. 1A), and correlate each mutant phenotype with the expression of the corresponding gene. Wing phenotypes reveal functional requirements, either in basic cellular functions impinging on cell viability or in wing-specific functions related to its growth and patterning, and together with gene expression patterns (Fig. 1A) constitute an optimal entry point to undertake detailed functional analysis. The second project is the analysis of the transcriptional effects of one Drosophila transcription factor (Spalt) that has a prominent role in the development of the wing disc (Fig. 1B). Spalt is a nuclear protein containing three pairs of Zn fingers and its human orthologs are involved in Towles-Brokes disease and Okihiro syndrome. We have identified a minimal DNA response element for Spalt through the analysis of the regulatory region of one of its downstream genes (Fig. 1B). Now we are defining the effects of Spalt on chromatin conformation as well as searching for Spalt co-repressors with the objective of understanding the Spalt mechanism of action. The third project concerns the Ras gene (Fig. 1C). Mutations in human Ras are common in multitude of cancers, and the Drosophila Ras gene has been used to model cancer progression in flies. Using Crisper/Cas9 and homologous recombination we have generated Drosophila transgenic lines carrying altered versions of the fly and human Ras genes (Fig. 1C). We are characterizing the consequences of activating Ras mutations when the gene is expressed at normal levels in the wing, the ovary and the lymph gland (Fig. 1C). We expect to generate genetic combinations in a background of endogenous activated Ras allowing us to model the formation and progression of tumors.
Miembros del grupo
Ana López Varea
Lab.: 421 Ext.: 4703
Ana Ruíz Gómez
Lab.: 421 Ext.: 4808
Diego Pulido Vega
Lab.: 421 Ext.: 4703
José Félix de Celis Ibeas
Lab.: 421 Ext.: 4673
Sandra Herrera Alarcón
Lab.: 421 Ext.: 4673
Carla López Serrano
Lab.: 421 Ext.: 4673
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